The journal was founded in 2021.
The goals and objectives of the scientific peer–reviewed journal are:
— providing operational coverage of the results of research, scientific and practical activities of researchers, postgraduates, applicants, undergraduates, as well as foreign scientists and researchers in the field of history, philology, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, cultural studies, book studies, library science, bibliography and informology.
— development of international cooperation in the field of the study and dissemination of new scientific ideas and the results of original research in the field of history, philology, pedagogy, psychology, library science, bibliography and cultural studies;
— providing scientists with the opportunity to publish the results of their own research in the humanities and social sciences;
— the formation of an open scientific debate that contributes to improving the quality of dissertation research;
— implementation of mutual cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and institutions in order to collect and publish problematic articles on topical issues of history, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, book studies, library science, bibliography and informology;
— establishment of scientific relations and exchange of views between researchers from various regions of the republic, CIS countries and other foreign countries;
— development of a unified information space for scientific communication in the field of humanities and social sciences;
— promotion of the main achievements of the research activities of the National Library of Tajikistan and other libraries of the Republic;
— the introduction of scientific achievements into practice, including in the educational process and the implementation of effective cooperation with other publications, creative unions and journalistic organizations within the framework of the press law.
The journal is intended for the publication of scientific articles by scientists, doctoral students, postgraduates, applicants for academic degrees, undergraduates and teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Tajikistan, CIS countries and far abroad.
Articles containing an analysis of current problems for modern science and the results of research by specialists in the field of history, philology, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, book studies, library science, bibliography and informatics are published in the headings of the scientific journal. Scientific reviews, reviews and information materials are published under a separate section of the journal.