
Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/10/2023 - 00:22



1.1. The Scientific Journal “Payomi Kitobhonai millii Tojikiston” (“Bulletin of the National Library of Tajikistan”), here in after referred to as the “Journal”, operates on the basis of the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Press and Other Mass Media”, “On Copyright and Related Rights”, “On Publishing”, “Regulations on the National Library of Tajikistan” and other legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of science, education and culture.
1.2. The founder of the Journal is the National Library of Tajikistan.
1.3. The Journal is not a legal entity and operates as a structural unit of the Founder (Library).
1.4. The journal has its own name, is on the balance sheet of the Founder and carries out its banking operations through the account of the Founder.
1.5. The magazine is published in Tajik, Russian and English 4 times a year.
1.6. The Charter will be valid from the moment of approval by the Founder.
1.7. Address of the Journal: Dushanbe, Tehran-5 street


  • publication of problematic articles on topical issues of history, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, book science, library science, bibliography and informationology;
  • publication of research results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, doctor of science and doctor of specialty (PhD);
  • promotion of scientific achievements of Tajik scientists;
  • implementation of mutual cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and institutions in order to collect and publish materials;
  • ensuring the professional level of published articles;
  • objective reflection of each phenomenon, innovation, fact, etc.;
  • promoting the use of announcements and advertisements and the conclusion of a cooperation agreement to ensure the profitability of the Journal;


3.1 Purpose: preparation and publication of the Journal.
3.2. Tasks of the Journal:
 timely preparation and publication of the Journal;
 ensuring a high professional level of published materials;
 organizing and conducting information events;
 publication of scientific materials in compliance with relevant rules and regulations;
 study and promotion of useful domestic and foreign experience in the field of librarianship and promotion of its dissemination in the National Library of Tajikistan;
 implementation of effective cooperation with other publications, creative unions and journalistic organizations within the framework of the law on the press;


4.1. The Founder has the right:
 approve the Journal, changes and additions made to it;
 in the cases provided for by this Charter, suspend and terminate the activities of the Journal;
 determine the language, purpose, frequency and volume of the Journal, the scale and form of its distribution and control its compliance with the information provided during the registration of the Journal;
4.2. Obligations of the founder:
The founder must:
 comply with the provisions of this Charter;
 not interfere with the professional activities of the editorial board, except as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and this Charter;
 contribute to the resolution of social and domestic issues, the creation of the necessary working conditions for the employees of the Journal;
 provide the editorial board with the necessary information to perform the tasks provided for by this Charter;
 in accordance with the contract, manage the activities of the Journal, taking into account the professional knowledge of its employees;
 provide the Journal's employees with technical means, including cameras, voice recorders and other equipment necessary for the performance of tasks and acceptable working conditions;
 appoint the salaries of the Journal's employees in agreement with the editor-in-chief, taking into account their contribution to the overall work, their participation rate in the preparation of the Journal, their creative aspiration and competence;
 acting as a representative of the Journal in relations with other bodies and organizations both within the country and abroad, to protect its interests;


5.1. The journal has the right to:
 plan their activities in accordance with the subject, purpose and directions approved by the Founder, resolve issues related to the content and decoration of the Journal;
 to publish theoretically and practically significant materials prepared at a high scientific level;
 ensure timely completion of all processes related to the publication of the Journal;
 ensure a wide exchange of scientific information related to the subject of the Journal with scientific and educational institutions of the country;
 to provide accreditation of the employees in the order established by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About mass media";
 establish contractual relations with the authors in accordance with the established procedure;
 engage creative and technical staff who are not members of the editorial board in order to perform certain work.

5.2 Duties of the Journal
 respect the rights of the used works (including copyright, publishing rights, intellectual property rights);
 ensure the timely release of the Journal issue at a high printing and creative level in accordance with the special rules of the publication;
 contribute to the collection, verification of information, preparation of materials for publication, verification of the reliability and authenticity of published articles, preparation of current and long-term plans and publications;
 carry out registration of published materials in accordance with the requirements of the standard, technical specifications, and other normative acts and agreements in cooperation with publishing institutions, associations - distributors of publications and other organizations;
 create an archive of the Journal and ensure its safety;
 to establish contacts with readers and authors of the Journal;
 carry out planning, literary and scientific editing of texts accepted for publication;
 expose the activities of the Journal through the Internet site, organize a series of events in cooperation with other organizations and institutions, such as a round table, conferences, meetings with readers, presentations, competitions and other events in order to increase the prestige of the publication.


6.1. The managing body of the Journal is the creative team of the Journal, elected for 3 years.
 its meetings are held and recorded quarterly, if necessary - monthly;
 it may by its decision define new approaches and activities of the Journal.

6.2. The Board of the Journal consists of the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, executive editor, editors, software engineer, proofreader, graphic designer, computer typesetters.
6.3. The editor-in-chief is elected in the meeting of the creative team he is also relieved of his post.
6.4. Duties and rights of the chief editor
 manages the activities of the Journal;
 speaks on behalf of the Founder at meetings and before official bodies;
 ensures the current and long-term plans of the Journal and the implementation of editorial decisions;
 on behalf of the editorial office, in coordination with the Founder, signs contracts and agreements and ensures their implementation;
 in accordance with the Press Law, is responsible for the truthfulness and reliability of published articles;
 the editor-in-chief annually submits a report on his work to the meeting of the labor collective.


 the property used by the Editorial Board of the Journal is an integral part of the property of the Founder. Decisions on the issuance of this or that property of the Editorial Board of the Journal are made by the governing bodies of the Founder at their discretion;
 the amount necessary for the preparation of the Journal publication is allocated by the Founder on the proposal of the editor-in-chief according to the editorial cost estimate;
 income received as a result of the activities of the Journal is the property of the Founder and is spent by him in accordance with the Charter and documents of the Founder to cover material costs for the production and publication of the Journal, as well as for legal deposit and other purposes;
 enjoys the help of sponsors and injections from the charitable activities of public and private institutions and individuals;
 upon receipt of foreign currency, in agreement with the Founder, opens a foreign currency account in banking institutions;
 in cooperation with international organizations and institutions, literary and cultural institutions and unions (associations) of foreign countries, as well as embassies of foreign countries in Tajikistan, use the grant funds allocated by them;
 if necessary, to protect the rights and related problems, he can speak in the relevant departments, including in court, arbitration, etc. as a plaintiff or defendant.


8.1. The liquidation of the Journal is carried out by the Founder, if he considers its further activity inappropriate, or due to lack of financial resources, or on the initiative of the judiciary - in case of repeated violation of the current legislation by the Journal, or on the basis of this Charter.
In the event of the liquidation of the Journal, all labor rights provided for by law in relation to laid-off employees will be observed.