Submission procedure

Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/10/2023 - 01:36


1. The article for the journal will be sent to the address of the editorial office by mail, e-mail or in person.

2. The article should comply with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for the design of scientific publications.

3. The article must be submitted by the author in the following order:
– UDC and LBC codes;
– article title;
–  surname and initials in abbreviated form;
– the name of the institution where the author of the article works;
– abstract, key words (in three languages: Tajik, Russian and English);
– the abstract should consist of at least 25 lines, and keywords should contain from 8 to 10 concepts;
– the main text of the article;
– recommendations of the department, laboratory, academic council responsible for the quality of materials and the reliability of the results.

4. The reviewer can be:
– for a Ph.D. thesis, at least one specialist who has a Ph.D. or Doctor of Science degree in the specialty of this work;
– for a doctoral dissertation - at least one specialist who has a doctorate in the specialty of this work.

5. An article for the degree of Candidate of Sciences is signed by the supervisor to confirm that he is familiar with the content of the article and considers it possible to recommend it for publication.

6. Contact Information. At the end of the article in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English), the following information should be indicated for each author: last name, first name and patronymic; place of work, position, academic degree and academic title (if any); address of place of work or residence; telephones for communication; author's e-mail address.