From the editor-in-chief

Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/07/2023 - 14:43

Файзализода Ҷумахон Хол


Faizalizoda Jumakhon Khol
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, director of the State Institution "National Library" of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

It is gratifying that thanks to the initiatives of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, today the National Library of Tajikistan has become a real center of science, education and support for the intellectual powers of man. The National Library of Tajikistan, having contributed to the implementation of the policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of librarianship, will make constant efforts to create and store the book fund and provide access to it for various groups of readers and promote the organization and holding of forums and events at the national and international level.

One of the important republican-level events, which has been held for the fifth year under the direct patronage of the Leader of the Nation, is the competition “Furugi subhi donoi kitob ast” (“Wisdom of the dawn radiance - a book”). The evaluation of the competition showed that indeed the Tajik people, as the creator and admirer of the book, are able to develop and multiply in new ways and methods the good traditions of book culture and reading based on the study of the rich literary and scientific heritage of their ancestors.
Against the backdrop of the ongoing transformations, it would be very appropriate, through the efforts of scientists, researchers and specialists in the field, to take up the study and research of theoretical and practical issues of librarianship, taking into account the specifics of the development of the information society. The new scientific journal “Payomi Kitobhonai Milli” (“Bulletin of the National Library”) can help in resolving these issues.

The Scientific Journal "Payomi Kitobkhonai Milli" ("Bulletin of the National Library") will carry out its activities on the basis of the requirements of the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Printing and Other Mass Media", "On Copyright and Related Rights", "On Publishing", "Regulations on the National Library of Tajikistan" and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of science, education and culture and direct their efforts to provide readers with printed materials on science, history, culture, especially materials on book science, librarianship and to publish problematic articles on important issues of such sciences as history, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, book science, library science, bibliography, information science, raising the cultural and moral level of society members and introducing them to books and libraries.
Having taken steps towards the founding of this Journal, we decided to carry out work aimed at realizing the following goals and objectives:

Firstly, the main idea of the Journal is to combine on its pages the views of scientists and specialists on topical issues of library science in Tajikistan, including the study of the history of the country's libraries during the period of independence, the study of problems of pedagogy, library science, psychological and sociological aspects of reading various groups of readers of different levels libraries, the role and place of the library in strengthening the sense of national identity and self-knowledge, the development of the native language, the formation of an information culture of readers, the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation with library institutions and bibliographic centers of foreign countries for the purpose of international book exchange, strengthening inter-library lending activities, as well as other hitherto unexplored issues . Therefore, on the pages of the Journal a wide range of problems of theoretical and practical value for such sciences as history, pedagogy, psychology, philology, sociology, book science, library science, bibliography and informationology will be considered. Proceeding from this, the Journal publishes not only the results of scientific works of librarians, but also historians, linguists, psychologists, sociologists - in a word, representatives of all humanities. We are confident that this approach will contribute to a more extensive study of hitherto unexplored problems in the field of librarianship in Tajikistan.

Secondly, the pages of the Journal will study topical issues of the activities of the country's libraries at the present stage of the history of national statehood. At the same time, when studying problems, we will rely on the long-standing book traditions of our ancestors, and on this basis form new library values, which will help to increase the level of special knowledge of librarians and the general culture of citizens in the field of reading and accumulating knowledge.

Thirdly, as noted, one of the activities of the Journal is the study of issues related to book science and librarianship. This is primarily due to the fact that within the framework of the curricula of higher and secondary professional library education, little attention is paid to the study of the psychological and sociological aspects of reading, the inclinations and interests of readers, to the timely provision of their requests and needs in published materials using modern information and communication technologies, guiding the reading of users in electronic libraries, preparing and using an electronic reference and bibliographic apparatus, adapting the priority areas of the country's libraries to the conditions and requirements of the information society. One of the purposes of this Journal is to fill these gaps.

Fourthly, I want to note that we created this publication as a free platform in order to demonstrate the most interesting and progressive ideas and views, to offer new interpretations of concepts that have long been fixed in domestic and foreign library science and, in accordance with modern requirements, to promote the use of new innovative achievements of the world in the activities of the libraries of our country,

We hope that the Journal, with the help and support of scientists, researchers and intellectuals of the republic, will contribute to solving existing problems and increasing the authority of library science in Tajikistan.